Monday, 25 April 2016


It was fear again,
Who pulled the back gear.
Fear was well defined to be a mind game,
Who puts the heart on the aim.
And then the arrow,
Borrows some sorrow.

Then I gulped it down,
And she had a frown.
Its been years 
Of just too many fears.
Hears the ears.
And it was fear again who pulled the back gear.

Later it was,
When she had some cause,
Just for all her applause.
She lay down on the bed,
With all the ache in her head.
She could rest in peace,
If it would go with ease.

She knew it all,
But never made a call.
It would hardly make some difference,
Only if there was no reference.

She had put all her best and tried,
But never made the mistake to lie.
Lie came with a fear,
Which made me look into my past year.
Hears all this the ears and cries out loud,
But never came the crowd.

It was fear again,
Who pulled the back gear.

~ Every being on this planet has done something or the other which was a wrong decision, some can overcome it but some can't. There lies the difference~